Naming puppies is always a BIG DEAL around here.
Those of you who know our kennel know, that we follow the alphabet with majority of our litters, unless special circumstances tell us otherwise.
This is something that used to be obligatory for us, when we still lived in Czech Republic and bred our dogs under the Czech Kennel Club. A breeder had to follow the alphabet when naming litters, (logically) starting with "A".
And since we started doing this, we thought it could be good to continue, to have a certain systemm. It is also much easier to find relatives of dogs when you search pedigrees.
Yes, it is a practical thing, but to us, things should always be at least a bit of fun and challenge too.
So while finding names starting with "J" for Galena x Nitro´s puppies, we also had to find them a suitable theme. A theme, that would all start with letter "J". And of course, that would be suitable for future sled dogs (read: tough, hardy, good lookin´ too,...).
Now you see why naming puppies is a great deal here.
This time we had two more brains to engage and it took Jachym, our handlers Misa and Nardo, and myself good two weeks to tweak the theme and names.
I had already some in mind and Jachym and I joked often how much fun it would be naming a litter one day after whisky brands.
And so it turned out, that Galena x Nitro´s Kipp d´Amundsen "J" litter was perfectly suitable to become the Whiskies.
Finding names like Johnnie Walker and Jim Beam is a piece of cake. But Finding actually good sounding female whisky names took a lot of googling.
At the end, we became the experts in single malts, and blended sorts and Irish versus Scottish, we even learnd how different destilleries got established and read some quite cool stories.
So let me introduce you to our little Whiskies, in order of apereance (as usual):

Puppy 1

Puppy 2

Puppy 3

Puppy 4
Hope they´ll keep us warm on the trail! :)

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