Friday, April 27, 2012

Three Things To Do On A Rainy Friday

Or I should say: three things we did or are about to do on a rainy Friday :-)

So, 1. we went to town. We don´t go to town very often, but we had some errands we really needed to do, I had to mail a bunch of doggy collars I made for a few folks and we had to make an obligatory visit of the Dollar Store (I think in North America it´s called the Buck Store).

And we took picture of the beautiful apples in the grocery shop.

2. All the furry kids were let out (when it did not rain) to play and they were fed their doggy dinner.
This is Juniper, one of the "Spice Girls" (from the Spice Litter, not from the girl band, in case you didn´t know).

3. And this is the highlight of the week, which we have not done yet, but are just about to do - 
our Friday Movie & Pizza night. For us, living in the woods 25 miles from the nearest town, it´s like going to a Sunday mass and there is no pizza like Jachym´s home baked pizza. Trust me! :)

Ok, this doesn´t look like we did much today. Well, we did actually do more stuff, but putting that on the blog would be oh so boooring. 

How´s this post related to dogs you ask? Scroll up - see? There´s a picture of Juniper. She is a dog.
And besides, this blog is my journal about my life with my dogs and my pizza and my movie night. 

Oh, and by the way, I stole all these photos from Jachym.

Enough with the non-sense. I better sign off now. I hope you all have a great weekend and let me know how your Friday night went!

Happy Trails and whatever you do - Stay Safe!

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