We shared a lot of laughter and many stories, talked about old times, when I used to race with my dogs there, and the new mushing scene. A lot of news about mutual friends, etc. It always feels great to spend time with friends, but only after you discuss something in your mother language, you realize the difference. You can share silly jokes, humor that is typical for your national mentality or for the country you were born in. No matter where you move and where you feel at home, you always connect with your old roots through the humor.
The visit wasn´t just a typical "dog people" visit, it was more than that. It was reconnecting with friends and soon enough Jachym and I both realized we felt like we were on vaccation!
We managed to squeeze canoeing, visiting raindeer farm, fishing, running dogs, puppy walks, more fishing, smoking fish, making food on open fire, long discussions at the kitchen table, did I mention fishing?, dinner in town, shopping, drinking cloudberry liquer, picking blueberries and mushrooms, and a little more, into a few short days.
We had a blast! Thank you guys for your wonderful, cheerful company! We miss you thoroughfully and can´t wait to see ya sometime next year!

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