Since I have decided to make this blog more than just a diary from my life, and more than just the news from our kennel, I believe you guys, who pay us a visit and read my ramblings, should have a bit more fun besides being entertained by reading my posts.
Yesterday I started the Katerina´s Journal´s very first and own Jigsaw Puzzle Friday and it looks like a few poor folks among my Facebook friends went to bed real late last night. :)
So, just for clarification - I am, in NO way responsible for anyone loosing their job! :) Thankfully, it won´t happen as these will be Jigsaw Puzzle Fridays and no boss can blame ya for not paying so much attention to your work on such a day. Right?!
Anyhow, I am working on creating a schedule for regular topics/posts that will appear here for example every week, every month or a specific day, holiday, etc. And while doing that, I will of course include contests, polls and fun stuff with (hopefully) meaningful prizes for you to win.
Wanna play? How about I give you Katerina´s Journal First FREE Giveaway today?!
You don´t need to do anything. Well, almost anything. Just look at the top of the right sidebar, find the "Followers" panel and sign in to follow this blog by clicking on "Join this site".
From every five new followers, I will draw one winner, who can choose one from these three FREE prizes:
1. Gift Card from Nordic Husky Farm E-Shop in the value of 100:-SEK (about 10Euro or 15USD)
gift card applies to any products in the shop
2. Coupon for 10% Purchase Discount on any item from
Kipp d´Amundsen Art & Design
example of items you can choose from
3. Voucher for FREE Suggested Individual Feeding Program
for one dog
this is just an illustrative picture
To be fair - as of writing this post, there are 51 existing followers. So the count starts from the 52nd one on. The giveaway ends on Monday noon (that is 12:00 CET), another words it will last two full days.
Rules: There are no rules. Be nice. Call your mother. Visit your neighbor. Don´t scream at your kids. Whatever. Just kidding.
Hope you´ll enjoy it and if you have any questions, just drop me a message (FB will work) or comment below.
Oh yes, and please - feel free to repost and share with your friends.

But I am already following your blog via Bloglovin. As much as I love reading your posts I really dont want to be alerted twice. Can I please join your competition anyway? AND you can count in my follow as well. ;o)
// Ingela
Hi Ingela, you are actually already signed up as follower, you were one of my first :) If you look at the complete list of members, you will find yourself there - you don´t have a customized icon, but you are signed up as Ingela Karlsson.
But don´t worry, there will be more competitions - hopefully every week or two weeks, not only for the new members :)
Have a great day and thanks for your interest!
Aw, I'm all ready a follower. Did check out some of your art the other day - WOW! Very nice!!
Thank you Ainnirbard!
Well, as I wrote to Ingela in the previous comment - there will be more prizes and contests for all the readers and followers, not just the new ones. Stay tuned! :)
And thanks for coming back and reading my blog.
Have a great weekend,
K. and Team
Hi Katerina, did try with my g-mail and the computer just shut down :D This time I think I got it rigtht :) But as I said have visited before and I am about to try that tic recipe. Now I´m a follower I hope :)
Suzanne, I am so sorry for the complications. I just want you to be eligible for the price, for all your efforts! :)
When you click on "join this site", it should give you an option to "follow this blog". on the right side it shows "follow publicly" or "follow privately". If you follow privately, I will never find out that you follow the blog. If you follow publicly, it will show your little icon in the panel of members, that´s all.
That is the only think I can think of why it still didn´t work. Sorry about that.
BEAUTIFUL BLOG, Katerina!! I love all your Husky photos! You have so much going on with everything you are doing. This is a great way to keep your fans informed. Have a GREAT weekend :)
Thank you so much for your kind words, Gail! I am glad you enjoy my little mission for improving dogs lives and creating more "happy sled dogs" :)
You too have a wonderful weekend and Happy Trails!
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