We´ve always had quite some celebrations in June, in the past, starting with my mom´s birthday, my parents´s aniversary, the A and B litters´ birthdays, and now including those of the F and G litters. And Star´s puppies the most recently!
June is a good month :)
As we had to say goodbye to the last man standing from the A litter - Lass, in May, we felt that part of this kennel has left us. But we are grateful and happy about Brandy and Blacky from our second litter, being healthy and having fun in their lives. They now belong to the group of our three oldest dogs, where Pinny is the eldest, being 16 years and 8 months.
Happy Birthday guys, we wish you loads of health and much more happy time spent with your pack! We love you and are very proud of you.
* on the picture above you can see Brandy (left) and Blacky in lead of our main string team, December 2005.
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