Rain or not, we need to get moving with our schedule and planned projects. So today we decided it was time to finish this little idea I got couple years ago and for which I bought perenier flowers and plants already a month ago.
I wonder, will all these flowers ever bloom this year?!

A dark blue mini iris. I hope it will bloom one day eventually, when the sun comes back

I gues no one would believe me, if I said we wear jackets, hats and gloves. I am even thinking of puting back the flanel sheets and bed cloths.

Hot wine is not necessairly an exclusive Christmas or winter thing. It comes in very handy after gardening in the middle of June.
And that´s all for one ordinary summer day report.
I love gardening too- seems its an advantage to be non-arctic in that matter
Heres my flowers from the last years....
Aaaah, gorgeous! I had a look at your flower pics and I want summer even more now!
It´s not fun, all this hard work and nothing grows and blooms, but grass :(
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