Let's have a look at some of the largest benefits of these two powerful Mother Nature's 'medications'.
Just today, as I was preparing a blend of cinnamon, honey and hot water for our old boy Buck, who is suffering from a respiratory infection, it struck me that there are so many health benefits of these two, so common kitchen 'ingredients'. I am sure they figurate in your kitchen as well, you probably love them for their delicious taste, but did you know there are so many uses for them in the medicinal sphere and that they are some of the strongest antibiotics, with anti-inflamatory and antimicrobial properties that Mother Nature has to offer?
I cannot imagine my cough, flu or cold tea without cinnamon and honey. They can literary put me back on track within hours, or days at most.
The honey and cinnamon combination can help cure as many conditions as:
1. Heart disease
2. Arthritis
3. Toothache
4. Indigestion
5. Respiratory issues
6. Obesity
7. Low Immunity
and more!
Always look for locally produced, raw honey. Raw honey is one that hasn´t gone through any heating process. If you can't get it, opt for an organic certified one. You also don't want honey that has tons of sugar added into it, so those cheap, very liquid forms in supermarkets are not what you´d be looking for.
Honey is also a popular ingredient in the natural, holistic, home prepared animal nutrition and is an important part of many B.A.R.F. diet recipes and menus.
My tip: Use it when baking dog treats, instead of sugar, to add some natural sweetness and also some important nutrients to make your home made pet cookies not just delicious, but healthy.
Honey And Cinnamon Remedy:
- put 1tea spoon ground cinnamon (powder) in a cup
- pour over about half a cup of boiling water
- stir well and let cinnamon swell for a few minutes
- add 1 table spoon of honey, stir until honey dissolves
Feed 1-2 table spoons per dog per serving, for example as part of a healthy morning feeding, mixed into 100g of plain yogurt with probiotics, or just blend into the dog's food at least twice daily.
Using the honey and cinnamon mixture as a remedy for tired, sick, weak animals, especially with respiratory way disease, filter the ready blend through a sifter and use the pure liquid. You can put it in a syringe and slowly feed it in intervals to your animal patient. For very weak dogs, administer 5-10ml every hour to a medium sized dog. Double or lower the amount based on your pet's size.
Serve it warm (not hot!) or in room temperature.

Can I use this for my 2 week old pilots?
Can I use this for my 3 week old puppys?
I would not use this for a three week old puppy, as its digestive tract is very delicate at this stage and more importantly, at this age the puppy is not used to other kinds of food than its mother´s milk. However, as soon as they are starting to wean, you can use this formula, but introduce it very slowly and gradually.
Does the honey & cinnamon need to steep in boiling water? Can you just mix 1/8 t cinnamon w/ spoon full of the honey into their meal?
Mary - Rocky Racoon's mom
Hi Mary,
it doesn´t have to be mixed with the boiling water. I do it because I prepare the mixture in advance for multiple uses throughout the day or days. It helps to save time for me this way too. But even more importantly, if you have a sick dog who doesn´t want to eat, the liquid solution administered via syringe in the mouth is often the only way to get him or her accept it.
You can put it straight into the food dish, just make sure that there is something moisty in your dog´s food to blend the cinnamon into. It is very dry and it might be unpleasant to swallow and you also don´t want your dog to inhale the powder. So if you feed dry kibble, make sure you add a bit of water to mix the cinnamon in.
I have a bulldog with environmental allergies, will this help?
Can I use any type of honey for the remedy. I only have clover honey at home. Thanks in advanced.
I am not certain about dogs, but I do know that local honey helps with allergies in humans. It's important that it is a local brand to where u live because the bee's get pollen from the environment around them. Which in turn, helps us build antibodies specific to your area. I'm sure it would also do the same for our doggy friends.
Thanks for this amazing article. Question: Can I prepare this infusion and put it in a jar in the fridge to use it for a week ever morning?
thank very much for your advice its for our beloved friend mini dachshund Akira, thank you Katerina
Pouring honey into the boiling water will "kill" the honey.
I cant begin to tell you all I've been through. I got my fur ball at 4 mo we rescued AbbyLynn. Sence, she's had heart surgery, sence the heart surgery she's had 4 seizure, foods dont agree with her. At thi point im lost and dont know what to do, doctor bills are much, she hasn't ate much the last two days. She needs vitamins im sure. We want to do away with all the meds.
Are vet Dr. Dickinson was so good we were doing away with some shots that aren't a must, but she left. So now here I am, ,lost she needs her strength. Abby Lynn is a Yorkie mix she just turned 4 in April
I am pretty sure my dog has kennel cough. I read on another site that mixing honey and lemon juice in his water would help. They problem is: getting him to drink it! He's supposed to drink it every 4 hours but he just wont drink enough for it to help.
The "cinnamon" pictured here is not cinnamon, but cassia bark - the two are not the same, and cassia can be harmful to the liver in certain doses, so please, make sure the cinnamon used is REAL cinnamon!
I had no idea that honey and cinnamon can help heal your dog. My golden retriever seems a little sick, I'm planing on taking her to the veterinarian if she doesn't get better soon. I'll have to ask about the cinnamon & honey, that seems like a remedy I could fix up myself. http://www.earlysvilleanimalhospital.com/id-7876
Thank you for this great article. My Dachshund is 15 plus and I know this will help him. I shared it on FB, and on Baron the Dachshund's FB page, too! Lots of people with furry friends will see it and benefit. Have a great day!
I have a nearly 16 year old yorkie who has had tummy problems all her life she can only tolerate Hills Z/D and a bit of fish I use Honey an Cinnamon myself an wonder if i could help her she is a rescue dog but I know her history back to age 4
Great article!
I shared this on our facebook wall!
Honey and cinnamon are fantastic for dogs! They make a great team. It is important that it is the Ceylon Cinnamon vs cassia cinnamon! We incorporate organic honey and cinnamon in our sauce for dogs called KetchPup®!
For more information http://www.mcdoggies.com
My 14 yr old yorkie has bad arthritis in his front leg, can you recommend anything??
my 12year old jack russel has lost loads of blood from his nose yesterday and we took him too the vets but we have to take him back again as they were about to close. he is now exhausted and wont eat or drink anything, what can we do?
please reply soon!!!
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Thank you for taking some time to write this post. Having a sick dog is not something any dog owner looks forward to. It can be troubling to see your ailing dog and having no clue how to make them feel better. A nap with some chicken soup does well for humans, but dogs aren’t so fortunate to be able to receive such attention. See more http://dogsaholic.com/care/kennel-cough.html
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