Upon many requests, here is the family album of the Love Litter :) I have also included their psychological profiles (just kidding - but a little presentation of each one of the kids and their parents is in order :)).
Sooooo, this is CORA. Cora the wild, Cora the beautiful, Cora the brave, Cora the crazy, Cora the smart. There aren´t enough superlatives. She is the one and only. Gorgeous, smart, curious and wild at heart puppy. Everyone who met her fell in love with her. Including Jachym and I, although her biggest fans and admirers are Reb and Steve. Don´t worry guys, she is going to be here next time you come! ;-)
Her sister TOLLY ROSE (aka Tolly, aka Rosie, aka the "Little One") is totally different in personality. She´s got the looks, oh yeah, does she ever have the looks - just one look of her huge, dark eyes and you are doomed forever, caught in the love spell :) Smart and tough little girl. She does not let anyone of her siblings push her around, although they try hard. Tolly will not let anyone get away with anything. Tough little cookie. She is a bit of a loner, very in-dependent personality. She didn´t like cuddles for a long time until Jachym´s mission got accomplished. Now she will lick your face clean while sitting on your lap. Her striking looks resemble of her great-aunt Galena and grandpa Nugget. Will she turn to be the leader Galena is?
Although we love this little munchkin to pieces, our situation does not allow us to keep more than two puppies from this litter, so Tolly might be available to the right person.
Proud and beautiful mamma LUCKY. She loves being a mom and adores her babies. She´s seriously one of the best mamma-dogs we´ve ever had here. Although her aunt Galena still leads on the mother front :)
Lucky hasn´t raced yet, but was on the main string team the entire autumn season until December. She was supposed to make her racing debut on this year´s Beaver Trap Trail, together with our other two-year olds. We are pretty sure she will do great next season, after her role of mom is accomplished :)
Lucky is a super friendly dog with a loving character. She is totally human oriented, playful, talkative and funny.
Daddy INUK. What would a family album be without the daddy, right?. Well, he is not just strikingly handsome, he´s got the guts and the brains, the drive and speed. One of our top young dogs, who worked beautifully the entire season. He was on the main team until December, just like Lucky, and since then, he ran in Steve´s team of yearlings and two year olds. He is a calm, gentle, friendly dog with serious work attitude and stable performance - just like his daddy Nugget. I am excited to incorporate him and his siblings Iceman and Modra into the race team next year! Inuk also says he wouldn´t mind the show business, if he got a chance :) We´ll see if the opportunity comes :)
And now, let Inuk present his sons:
This is FINN. Yes, Finn is a heart breaker! :) He is a happy-go-lucky boy. Nothing bothers him, nothing surprises him, he simply takes everything as it comes. He is an easy going puppy, very nicely built, funny, curious, very outgoing. In him, I see both of his parents, in personality and in looks.
Finn´s twin brother NATHANIEL (aka Nathan, aka Nate) is another striking puppy, and we think he´s the best built in the litter. Nathan is a calm thinker, very focused and as well as he can play with others, he can spend time playing alone with a toy he would find. With an assertive, calm attitude, that doesn´t get him into trouble as much as his siblings, Nate is the gentlest one of the litter. As you can see, Nathan is a copy of his dad. A sweet, leggy puppy who I believe has quite an athletic potential.
And TRISTAN. The biggest of the three brothers, with big bones and a big heart. He is Cora´s male counterpart. Wild, happy, funny, crazy, vocal, fun loving and attention seeking puppy. Being aware of his size and weight, he wrestles his siblings, who don´t let him get away with that, though :) Tristan is a handful, and one´s got to love this lively boy. I can imagine putting all this energy into harness one day and can easy expect big things from him!
Well, I guess this sums it up. One lovely family we are very keen on and it will be difficult to part with some of these guys!
Honestly, I like this litter A LOT, they seem to continue in the trend of all Buck´s children and grand-children, following the line we have set our goals to create. Of course, only time will show and tell how they prove themselves in harness, but so far in type, structure and personality, they are typical representatives of the Kipp d´Amundsen line, combined of Buck´s wonderful genes, with the North Wapiti, Vargevass, Igloo Pak and Anadyr lines we are so very fond of.
The "Love Litter" also carries the genes of several wonderful dogs we are or were honored to live with. Along with Buck, their pedigree shows dogs such as Nugget (one of our top main string dogs), Star (main string dog, leader, has some show success as well), Mouse (leader, successful at shows), Canuck (lost too young tragically, wonderful dog with a superior genetic background, son of Karen Ramstead´s two main Iditarod leaders), Babeli (back in Czech Republic our sprint leader), and, of course their nice parents, described above. It is great, being able to know so much about the puppies´ ancestors, because they live(d) with us.
And that´s it for the Love Litter´s Family Album. :)

1 comment:
Cute little munchkins!
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