The sled bag packs a lot of equipment and has compartments which you can use to devide different types of gear and the space where you can carry a dog. It is waterproof.
The sled is +- 30kg heavy, including the aluminum brake, the drag brake with spikes, and the sled bag.
Solid wood, plastic brushbow and runners. It is possible to easily screw on the aluminum Tim White rails and use the QCR runner plastic. We have done that with our other Chlan sleds and it works great.
The sled is comfortable, easy to use for beginners, solid and stable, hard to flip over. Ideal team size to run with it is from 5 to 12 dogs.
It is in very good shape, despite the thousands of miles driven with it, prooving the high quality of Chlan Sleds.
We are asking 5.500:-SEK for it. (Price of new is 10.438:-SEK). Please email us for more info or if you are interested: kippsiberians@kokeshnet.com.

Wish I could use it, but no snow, just one dog and no Husky...;))
Hope you will find someone intrested! Do you read dortheivalo.blogspot.com? It is touching!!
Just signed in to read Karen Ramstead's Blog! Love to read yours still; always lovely pix and I see you treat your dogs real well!
Hälsningar fran Tyskland
Thank you for your kind words, Beatrice!
I follow Gizmo´s adventures too :)
Don´t know the blog you suggested, but will check it out!
Greetings from still Snowy Jämtland,
Just read the Dortheivalo blog - thank you so much for the tip. What stunning pictures! Greenland in it´s full rough beauty :)
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