Since about three weeks ago, it constantly rains here. Rubber boots, rain coats and hats became immediately the latest fashion hit around here. We feel like in England and have sympathy for all the Britts.
But taking them as an example, we pretend (as much as we can) that there is no rain and hail, and that walking, working and moving around in the constant wetness is exactly what we love to do.
I mean: Water? What water??!

Magneto and Rapid obviously didn´t mind today´s slight shower, and equipped with their furs, they braved the mosquitos in the forrest, with a smile.

And as if there wasn´t enough water from above, they showed us they don´t fear it at all, by playing in the pond. Brave dogs.

Although our garden flowers suffer from the constant wetness and cold, there are things that seem to bloom and grow happily. Besides some mushrooms, these white grateful tiny flowers seem to be doing well, as well as the cranberries (the pink blooming ones on the picture). Hopefully it will get dry enough for the bees to come help fertilize the blue and cranberries, otherwise we won´t have anything to pick.

And here´s a short video of the two in the pond:

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