Life sometimes throws at us things, which are tough to deal with. Sometimes it is better and wiser to let go, than trying enforcing one´s mind and will.
Although my head doesn´t want to give it up, I let my heart and my inner sense make the decision this time.
In one way bitter, yet somewhat releaving at the same time, after discussing thoroghfully with Jachym, I made the decision to withrdraw also from Polardistans 2009 and take a year off. Well, not enitrely, as in ten days we are looking forward to running Vindelfjälslopet and we plan to end the season with our favourite Beaver Trap Trail race with two teams, on the last weekend of March. If there are no more surprises waiting for us ahead, that is! :)
Too much is too much sometimes for everyone and I do not regret all the long hours of training we have done until now, buying of equipment (will need it next year anyway and won´t have to purchese a lot of it then) and lack of sleep. We´ve come a long ways with the dogs in training this year, and we improved a lot of skills, worked out some issues, and learned a lot.
A man is not a robot and our friend and colegue´s serious health issues, the company matters conected with her leave, the need for business trips to Prague, and now even the break down of our only dog truck, are simply too much, all at once.
We do and will, however, continue training the dogs and making camping trips and some nice long runs in the mountains and enjoy working with our beloved furry friends, and experiencing the Northern country.
So is life and so it is in long distance racing, typically, more than in any other disciplines. It is not about placing yourself on top of the runners and making a short trip, comming home in an hour or so, having the rest of the day off. It is time consuming, intense and persistant experience, that craves all your time, foccus and energy. It is not only a lifestyle, but a constant hard work, a full time job, more than anything else.
So, with no regrets, but a huge gratitude to all our sponsors, supporters and fans, we announce the withdrawl from the major races of this season, as we continue putting our lives back in order, collecting some energy and mainly - enjoy working together with our huskies on the future goals. Our loving and understanding family, friends and supporters allow us that!
Happy Trails,
Katerina and Team

Katerina, you made the right decision. Living with sled dogs is not only races; and even if hard work, lack of sleep and money is our daily issue - the dogs brings happiness & love to every day!
I was at first sad but then I was glad that you made the decision, it must have been hard to figure out. You do need a break from all that you´ve been through, I think you´ll enjoy this winter with the new scedule. :-)Hope for you all the best, lot of sun, nice smooth trails and no more trouble....not for a while at least. ;-) Big hug!! Sus
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