Jachym and I were working on a new, totally exciting project of building a summer outdoor adventure tourist business, and it´s website. - More on that in one of the next posts.
A phone call from my parents in mid April had changed a lot of things, though. My beloved Grandmother Vera was dieing. Nothing could be done. Only a personal visit to see her, cheer her up and spend some highly precious moments with her. I set on a plane the next business day and spent 5 days in Prague, visiting Grandma every day. It was peaceful, yet heartbreaking.
What was even worse, was seeing my mom, how she suffers, worries and mourns.
The week after my return back home was about my Grandma and Mom. I had no foccuss on anything. Grandma died on April 20th.
Then came a hectic period with trying to have our tourist operation´s website up and going, designing, printing and distributing of our brochure, meeting with tourist information services, etc. As if that wasn´t enough, we got a project of completely translating and building a new website for a large company in Czech Republic. A project that would bring much needed finances. Work on 2 websites at a time, promoting our new company, production of the borchure, plus all the other daily tasks (BTW May was really cool and we trained with the huskies on a regular basis), mean a lot of stress just alone. Add the emotional stress with the family - and the good regime is gone. Eating late, eating unhealthy (quick food is usually not healthy and weight managing), working until 2-4 am (! Yes, I am NOT joking!) -- all that is very unhealthy lifestyle I´ve been through before and exactly do not want in my life anymore!
And a result? You guessed it - getting out of (physical) shape, gaining some weight back on. Which brings more stress, and so on, and so on. BUT - this time I know how to fight it. I DO have a plan and I have this blog, which helps me HUGELY! I´ve seen results of hard work last year. This year the game is the same, but there´s more experience to my profit! :)
There´s still loads of work asignments to be done (as always will be). But I have learned how to manage it. Day by day, we sit down and write a to do list of items. And we check them out as they are done towards the end of the day. Very simple management but it a) gives us the good feeling of acomplishment at the end of each day and b) is probably the only way we can move forward, get things done (although slowly - but hej - steady!) and not run around like chickens, complaining we didn´t do anything again.
And I believe this is the kind of management we have to keep rolling, if we want to get things done and be successful - in whatever we are doing!
So, let the summer-power roll and the workout season II. begin -- the summer is short!! :o)

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