Thursday, September 17, 2009

Latest News from the Whelping Box

Rizey´s long time awaited (literaly!) puppies were finally born! Read more in the three separate reports below, as I have shared them with our discussion group list, throughout the day.
REPORT NR.1 - 17.9. - 12:47 am
The longest waiting ever and an alarming packing for a four hour trip to Norwegian Grong veterinary clinic was called off! At 12:29 Rizey finally gave dramatic birth to a 620g boy! Yes, 620g! She shivered, pushed and whined for really long time, but she showed after all how strong the girls from our lines are! :)

The boy was followed by his sister (very smoothly - you know, girls :)), who´s birth weight was 500g (!), just five minutes later.
After another half hour, there was some longer and harder pushing and the third puppy, also a boy, was among us. Birth weight 620g!

The babies started nursing immediately, as if it was something they´ve been waiting for and dreaming about for a long time! After all, they were rightfully doing so, as they were born on the 68th day, so they have a lot of catching up in the "outside" world :)

All three puppies have a golden color with gray lines along the spine, dark pigments and darker markings around the eyes and ears. So I guess they will turn out to be sable.
The first born boy has a huge white shawl around his neck in the shape of a lightning and a wide white stripe over his head, with a brown spot in the middle. Same as Snowy had, when she was born. Adorable!

We asume there are one or two more puppies to be born yet, but it is really tough this time to estimate numbers, as they are all so huge.

Katerina - happy and relieved
The first boy (with white shawl) and girl, shortly after birth
Two boys and girl
Rizey had another puppy! At 5:27, a smokey-gray/wolfgray 500g boy was born :)
All, mom and babies are doing great.
All four babies
REPORT NR.1 - 17.9. - 20:34 pm
Hi all,
back with the latest news form the puppy front :)
It seems that my mom and I won the traditional family bet once again this year, with a guess of 4 puppies. Well, unless we get a surprise during the night :)

The happy little family is resting and nursing, Rizey being super kind to us and not panicing when we touch her babies (unlike Star, who simply stood up and ripped the puppies out of our hands with her teeth!).

So far I managed to upload a few pictures to our yahoo discussion photo album. To be able to access the photos and read the latest news and discussions on our list, you have to join the group first. If you want to join the Kippsiberians Discussion Group, click here.

Good night!
The family napping


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to mom and her new pups.

bea's blog said...

Congrates to those wonderful big pups ~ they will roam the world for the ones that had to go now...
~ ♥ ~
Beatrice and Gizmo

Katerina said...

Thank you, guys :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the puppies! Hmm, It seems like Balto is giving BIG puppies. There 1 year old halfsibblings were also big puppies, and they were born on day 63... Hope to see som new photos soon =D
/Sofia & Co at Aslakkgården