This is a great video, instructing how to easily make herbal liniments at home.
And not only that, the featured liniment recipe is ideal for relieving muscles and increasing blood circulation, thus is useful also for sled dogs (and other working dogs, as well as horses) and treating their common injuries, such as sore and swollen wrists and joints, shoulder muscles, or stiff hind leg or back muscles.
In one of the coming posts that I am preparing, I will be showing how to properly massage those areas, so that the massage (and applied liniment or oil) is as effective as possible.

Herbs used:
Comfrey and Calendula are both soothing herbs that help the healing of bruises and injuries.
Valerian is a relaxing herb and helps to relax the muscles.
Cayenne Pepper and Cinnamon are warming herbs, that help increase blood circulation into the effected area, thus promoting the healing process.
The combination of herbs in this liniment can also be helpful at easing the pain of arthritis.

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