Saturday, December 22, 2012

12+ DIY Original Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas

Ok folks, this is the third and last post of my DIY Christmas Series. Quite late, but if at least some of you are like me, then you don´t have your presents wrapped yet. Or at least some of them. :)

I won´t do much of long descriptions and will let you catch some inspiration and ideas without words :)

I will just tell you, that on the gifts I wrapped so far for this Christmas I used grocery paper bags, wrapping paper, ordinary rope, some textile decorative ribbons (the only investment I made on Christmas wrapping this year), some spruce furs, some cones, Swedish Christmas tofees, white chocolate sticks, candy canes, and scrapbooking color papers and templates. 

That´s all. Cross my heart.

A tip: If a present has shape unsuitable for wrapping and doesn´t want to fit in any kind of box you have, and you don´t want to just put it in a gift bag, wrapping in it in a transparent foil as on picture above is sometimes your best option. It turns out to look great after all :)

Well, I think I´m gonna have a cup of mulled wine and try to finish the very special hand made gift I´ve been working on for Jachym.

Got inspired? Let me know how your wrapping goes!

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