The weather is marvelous lately. Sunny days, still enough snow to run the puppies and seniors, yet not too cold to stay out in short sleeves and photograph the birds. And they are very happy to see the spring come.
Among the first were the geese I´ve heared and saw flying low above the kennels the other day, as if to say hallo and bring greetings from faraway lands, as they returned from the south, and headed to our northern lakes to nest.
Also the first herrons start to show up and we hear their cries that echo over Vattudalen´s mighty waters.
Even the coockoo is heared and at night, the small gray owls sing their blue tunes.
The road edges are full again with grouse, who walk slowly and seemingly arogantly along side.
These guys that we managed to photograph are not really spring birds, but they sure are busy and full of life now, that spring is on it´s way.
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