Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chasing the Sun

The sun is back after many days of dark, mud, wet, rainy, foggy weather, and with it the mood of all of us - two and four legged, rose up.

Finally a reason to take the camera along for a training run!


There is a considerable difference between our place, the road and the forrest trails, up in the woods. The temperature difference is huge, and so is the amount of snow on the ground!

Passing Beaver creek (you can see the new dam the beavers are building, on the right bank of the creek).

My favourite spot on the trail - Folke´s old cabin. It is said that there are ghosts there, but if they do, they must be nice ones, as this place has a charm and positive energy :)

Folke´s cabin

Into the sunset

1 comment:

bea's blog said...

Good Morning!
Beautiful shots ~ wish I could go, too!
~ ♥ ~