Traditional Swedish Midsummer celebration was held on Friday. But we had it our own way, and decided to do something different, something fun and more outdoorsy and crazy :) To begin with, we chose yesterday, the real midsummer day, for our celebration.
We packed up some firewood, sausages and other necessities, and headed up the Vedjeöberget together with our new neighbours Thorsten and Alexandra.
While the boys made fire, Alexandra and I opened a bottle of champaigne and had a brief toast to the upcomming shorter days and longer nights, and the aproaching fall season.
At the top of the hill, the guys made a fire (first trying the outdoor fire starter, then simply resignating to the standard lighter), we chopped some wood, brought some dry branches from the woods, and started our Midsummer EXTREME OUTDOOR KORVING.

Speaking of which (untraditional food and combinations), here is an example of a perfectly done SMORE. Although very traditional in USA and Canada, not many people over here are aware of these special campfire "deserts", consisting of a roasted marshmallow, melted piece of quality milk chockolade, and two crackers. To Thorsten and Alexandra they were quite new, and including Jachym (who has expereinced them with me in Alaska and Canada), they were sure they will not like this "horrible" looking stuff. Whatever. Soon enough, both Jachym and Alexandra were doing just what the name s'more means - they liked them enough to want some more. :)
Oh yeah! Life is good. Eat, sleep and make smores :)

More pictures to be found at:
Happy Midsummer to all! Hope you had a great time. Ours rocked!
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