With Haagen and Aud-Kristine

At 4 months - his big ears are finally up! :)
The next puppy that left was Chasey, aka HURRICANE CHASER Kipp d´Amundsen. Chasey has been a big favourite, especially of Jachym, and we took really long time before we let our friend Rikke Bergendahl of Nay-La-Chee Siberian Husky Kennel in Oslo, Norway, know that she can come to pick her female puppy from our H litter up. If it was anybody else, Chasey would have stayed with us. Rikke made sure to bring enough "tools" to bribe Jachym - Rum and Snickers and some other goodies, including tons of Norwegian cheese :)
Chasey "suffering" on the couch at Rikke´s place :)
We had a great New Year´s celebration, made daily puppy walks and trained dogs. Along with Rikke, we had another guest to celebrate the New Year with - our close friend Malin Aspaas. Malin had been following the development of the H litter from the very beginning and on the New Year´s day, we agreed on her to take HIDALGO, whom she picked up at the end of January. Hidalgo grew very close to our hearts as well and I swore that if it doesn´t turn out for some reason, we will keep him. With Malin, he has a great home though, a good company of another siberian husky and a pack of malamutes and greenlanders, and we are excited to follow his progress and development.
Malin with her boy - it was love at first sight :)
All three will be sorely missed, but we´ll see all of them at races, on shows, mutual trainings and trips to the mountains. It is a great feeling, placing them with good friends.
As for the four monsters that we decided to keep, there will be new pictures hopefully soon, so stay tuned!
You have probably already guessed - Hawky (HUNTING HAWK), Runner (HARD RUNNER), Huggy Bear (HIGH FLYER) and Rizey (HORIZON HUNTER) are all staying with us. I also finally managed to create their own personal pages on our website, so have a look and read a bit more about the brats there.
And that´s all for the latest puppy news,
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