Time certainly flies by so fast that all my planning for the spring projects finds me actually in the middle of the spring projects! :)
Soon we will be travelling south again, visiting our homeland Czech Republic and many friends and family after two long years. And during this trip I have a few exciting events to attend.
The first one is called Reiki For Animals and it is a lecture and a get together with fellow Reiki practicioners but also for all dog, cat, horse and other animal lovers interested in learning how this natural, holistic therapy can help your animal friends.
There will be loads of space for discussion and Q&A and it will be accompanied by Jachym´s photography of the Nordic Nature and Wildlife.
So welcome - Monday, May 6, at 5:00pm, at the Musil´s Traditional REIKI School in Prague, Czech Republic. Please send Zdenek an email confirming your participation or with questions, at: reikicz@volny.czOh, and it´s totally FREE!!! :)
Plus I will be bringing a few CDs with my book Feeding Your Pets The Natural Way (both in English and Czech) for sale for a special offer price.
I am really excited and can´t wait!

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