While summer is officially still here, when I wake up in the morning and step outside the door, one look around the wilderness that surrounds the farm tells me that autumn is slowly but steadily moving in.
It is a perfect time to start thinking of possibilities how to support and strengthen our immunity and nurture our body and mind before those long months of darkness and cold arrive, and before the upcoming flu and cold season hits us, slowing us down from all those important tasks that still need to be done before winter is here.
The interest of local folk, my friends, neighbors, friends of friends, in herb walks, mini courses and workshops that I have started organizing, is so humbling.
I am excited about your interest in herbalism and in getting to know our wild plant allies, as well as in learning how you can safely start a herbal self care, and I am honored by your trust and interest in learning and walking this green path with me.
So without a further due, let me introduce and invite you to an herbal mini course with a workshop, focused on the hot topic of this season - Natural Selfcare and Strengthening the Immunity with the help of Herbs, during the Autumn season.
We will cover some of the important herbs that nourish our bodies and tonify our immune system, and in what preparation form they are most effective.
We will discuss the importance of safe and simple herbal practice, as it has been passed down from generation to generation by the wise women and folk herbalists.
At the workshop we will create a favorite folk herbal remedy, that should not be missing in your autumn and winter care cupboard, and learn how it can help prevent and relieve the symptoms of flu, cold, bronchitis and other nasty viral and bacteria caused ailments.
If the weather allows it, we will go meet some of the wild herbs outdoors and you can gather some for your winter supply.
As with the previous course, all participants will have a possibility to purchase Katerina´s Natural Way remedies and/or dried herbs, herbal books and other herbal products in my little apothecary, for a special discounted price.
All of you who attended the Herbal course and workshop on August 26 will receive a 15% discount when registering to this autumn workshop.
Wise woman herbalism tradition and philosophy, that is so dear to me, teaches us the folk knowledge of herbs, shared from one generation to the next mostly by wise women, often in roles of midwives and healers, for thousands of years.
It teaches us that HERB MEDICINE is PEOPLES MEDICINE, not a business to be patented by a large company, and sold to us. It belongs to us, it is our birth right.
And I would like to help you find the way back to claim this birth right and to learn how you can support your and your loved ones´ health with the help of our amazing herb allies.
Herbs are so much more complex than just being plants with specific chemical composition: they have their spirit (essence), personality, specific energy and yes, they actually can and do communicate.
Snack (fika) and vegetarian lunch is included - simple, home made and organic (ecological), rich in herbs and nourishment.
Water, herbal tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.
WHEN: Sunday, September 23, 2018 from 10:00 to 17:00
WHERE: Nordic Husky & Herb Farm and Gamla Skolan Apothecary in Vedjeön (map with directions will be emailed to you after you register to the course)
REGISTRATIONS: Send your registration by email to info@katerinasnaturalway.com (use subject line "ÖRT KURS 23.9."), latest by Wednesday September 19 midnight.
The course/workshop price is 750Kr, participants of former courses get a discount of 15%.
The price includes beverages and food (see above) and all course material.
Once you book your spot, I will send you a confirmation email with payment information and additional info on how to get here and what to bring with you. The course can be paid on place, but a non-refundable deposit of 100Kr needs to be sent out in order to be registered at the course.
Otherwise you can find all details in Swedish in this FB event:
The total amount of participants is limited to 10 persons of all walks of life and levels of herbal experience. The love and appreciation for Mother Nature and the plant world will be our mutual common ground ;-)
Feel free to call or message me if you have any questions.
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