Chisana and her children (whom I can´t call babies anymore) Alpha, Bravo and Charlie, keep enjoying the free roaming on the garden and in the woods, whenever we get a chance to take them out.

Chasing their mom full speed trains the puppies to be fast and driven dogs.

The three siblings are like three musketeers - everywhere together and all for one, one for all.

I am not sure what was Bravo exactly doing, but he looks like a gopher here, or as if he was stung by a vosp.

Running in the forest. In order of appearance: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.

Charlie sporting her new "lady in black" outfit. She decided to go for "all black" image, for which she visited the local well known saloon, called the swamp.

Chisana with our summer kennel help Adela, who just arrived yesterday from Czech Republic. With Adela as member of our team, the kids will get plenty of TLC and exercise during the summer.

The swamp and Lillsjön creek are fully blooming with cotton grass, cloudberry, blueberry and cranberry bushes.

Mouse loves to browse through anything liquid.

Yeah, summer fun may begin!
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