Next Saturday, March 7, 2009 start two of the world´s toughest races on Earth:
IDITAROD - 1049 miles
Anchorage to Nome, Alaska, USA
www.iditarod.comFINNMARKSLOPET - 1000 km (the northernmost race in the world)
Alta, Norway
Starts at 11:00 am CET - watch the start on the race´s webcam!
You can follow both races at their official websites (above) or on numerous other sites and blogs. Just to name a few:
- (Anchorage Daily News)
Both Iditarod and Finnmarkslopet are the elite of sled dog long distance races and have a great medial coverage, so don´t miss it!
Although this is not directly related with our kennel´s activities and news (at least at the moment :)), we can´t avoid mentioning the world long distance races such as Iditarod, Finnmarkslopet, Yukon Quest or Femundlopet.
Only one week sets up apart from the start of these great events!
Let´s cheer for our favourite mushers and teams and follow their journeys across the wilderness and arctic!
Bon Voyage to all the wondeful dogs and their brave humans,
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