Today is the first "official" day of my workout towards reaching my goal of getting in top physical shape and to lose the overweight that´s been bothering me for the last 4 years.
More details on "why" and "how" I´m working towards this goal, what exactly the goal is in detail, and why I put up this blogg, will come in next entry.
Started by eating just breakfast and dinner at 4:00 pm.
Took one of my lead dogs Delia for a semi hike - semi jogg 2,2km excercise. It was good for both of us - Delia practiced some commands and we both spent some time together, which I believe is important for building and maintaining good relationship between the musher and his (her) lead dog.
We have a heat wave in our area the past week or so, which makes it a bit more dificult to excercise outside, so we made this one at 9:00 pm, challenging the mosquitos :)
Till tomorrow,
Good start!
H Ä R L I G T KATERINA! Keep up the good work, I'm a fan of ours!!!
Jag tränar också för fullt för att vara i bästa form när vi ska delta i Polardistans! :-)
Träningstips: Stavar är jättebra att träna med, det ökar din förbränning och träning med upp till 30%!!
Syns imorgon!
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